Tear Upper


Then help us get the word out. The more buzz there is, the more people will sign up to see the film. And the more sign-ups we get, the more screenings there will be.

There are tons of things you can do—and all are quick, easy, and free. Whatever you do, though, don’t forget to remind people to sign up to see the film at DoAsISayMovie.com.

You can …

  • Get familiar with the details, by downloading the promotional flyer.
  • Link to DoAsISayMovie.com on your blog.
  • Make “friends” with us at Facebook and MySpace using the links on the right side of the page—and tell your other friends about us.
  • Post a banner ad or a poster on your site using the HTML embeds below:
  • 240 x 359 Poster:

    Code to Embed Poster:

    728 x 90 Banner (shown here at 70% actual size):

    Code to Embed Banner:

  • Embed the Do As I Say trailer on your site. Just paste the YouTube embed where you want the trailer to go:
  • Code to Embed Trailer:

  • Send an email to family and friends asking them to sign up to see the film.

Whatever you do, be sure to tell people that signing up makes them eligible for free stuff: Every 500th person who signs up gets a free paperback copy of Peter Schweizer’s New York Times bestseller Do As I Say (Not As I Do). And on December 15, we will hold a drawing to give away a free Apple® iPod® nano!

Tear Lower

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